Using the Value Proposition Canvas to refine your business model
Categories: Business Development, Business Models, Business Resources
Alexander Osterwalder has followed up on the Business Model Canvas tool with the Value Proposition Canvas.
Its from his new book—-Value Proposition Design.
I have applied it on several occasions now to clients and find that it is very useful pinning down exactly what the customer needs are.
The starting point is to identify exactly what the customer is using your tool for ie the jobs they are performing with your product or service.
Then the tool forces you to identify the pains they are trying to avoid and the gains they are trying to achieve.
The process then continues by doing a line by line analysis of the final product or service and how it stacks up against the user’s requirements.
It is a little beauty! Hard going sometimes——because it makes you think!
But if you are dedicated to making sure that your value proposition is up to scratch with your clients’ needs then a little brainpower is a small investment.
I can commend this tool to you.It is a little ripper!
Ring me on 613 95703603 if you would like to discuss how to move your business forward using this tool.
Or email me on iharris at
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